Below are our articles on the subject of Problems. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Can I Have an Affordable Green Home?
Finding a home that is both green and affordable can be challenging, but not impossible....

Effect of a Recession on Mortgage Repayments
Recession can hit everyone hard especially home owners; we examine how you as a home owner can safeguard yourself against financial hardship during a recession...

Finding an Affordable Mortgage When Disabled
Recent restrictions placed on the mortgage market have made the dream of homeownership even further out of reach for those with disabilities....

Finding an Affordable Mortgage When in the Armed Forces
Members of the armed forces are often forced to move around the world because of their job, which can make finding an affordable mortgage hard to do....

How the Credit Crunch Affects First Time Buyers
A look at how the credit crunch can hinder and help first-time buyers looking for a mortgage at the moment....

Lack of Affordable Housing in the UK
The afforable housing crisis is detrimental to first-time buyers but there are some in the industry who are benefiting...

Low Income Housing
This article looks at Low Income Housing and discusses who is eligible and how to go about applying for it; we also look at how the waiting list system works...

The Facts: Average Age of First-time Buyers
The average age of a first-time buyer has steadily been increasing, and buying in your twenties is no longer the norm....

What if Your Home is Repossessed?
This article looks at repossession and discusses why it can come about and what can be done to stop the repossessing of your home by your mortgage provider...

Where is the Biggest Shortage of Affordable Housing?
Affordability is a problem all over the UK but some areas are suffering more than others...

Who Needs Affordable Housing?
Affordable housing is almost non-existent in the UK and the Government are taking note but what is it?...

Why is There a Shortage of Affordable Housing?
Affordability is a big issue for home owners, but why is there a problem?...