Understanding Affordable Housing...
Keeping you up to date with all the latest affordable home buying developments and schemes and where you can find a property that is eligible for one.
January's Most Popular Articles...
Our Categories...
Affording a Mortgage
Affording a Mortgage: Traditional Methods of Lending, Affordability...
Case Studies
Case Studies: My Parents Helped Me Buy: A Case Study, Applying for the Government's...
Co-Ownership: Shared Ownership Homes, Why Choose Co-Ownership?, What Are My...
Different Regions
Different Regions: Affordable Homes in the North of England, Affordable Homes in South...
Finding Homes
Finding Homes: First Time Buyers' Options, The Legalities of Buying an Affordable...
HomeBuy Schemes
HomeBuy Schemes: What is a Home Information Pack?, The Open Market Home Buy Scheme,...
Problems: Low Income Housing, What if Your Home is Repossessed?, Effect of a...
Questionnaires: Questionnaire: Do You Qualify for Government Help?, Questionnaire:...
The Government
The Government: Possession Orders, Building Affordable Homes on Brown Field Sites,...
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